
Detective Bureau «Profi» provides a full range of detective services to individuals and organizations one-time and on an ongoing basis, in St. Petersburg and the CIS countries. Professional surveillance (surveillance), searching for people (missing people, debtors or hiding for any reason), conducting investigations, collecting information about individuals and legal entities, auditing and consulting the security of your enterprise (physical security, economic security, information security) and much more. You can find the full list of detective bureau services here.


  1. Surveillance (surveillance).

    • For transport.
    • Behind the pedestrian.
    • Counter-surveillance.
    • Photo and video recording of meetings and negotiations.
  2. Files on individuals and legal entities.

  3. Search for people and property.

  4. Polygraph (lie detector) test.

  5. Search for devices (bugs) designed to secretly obtain information.

  6. Enterprise security audit and consulting.

    • Technical security (video surveillance, security and fire alarms, access control).
    • Personal safety.
    • Physical security (development of the concept of a physical security service, testing the performance of physical security, security)
    • Information security (identification of information leakage channels, development of measures to prevent leakage and protect information).
    • Personnel security (checking employees when hiring, checking employee loyalty).
  7. Family problems.

    • Establishing the fact of cheating on a spouse.
    • Identifying your child’s social circle
    • Search for family ties, heirs.
    • Drawing up a family tree.
  8. Business and competitive intelligence.

    • Monitoring and analysis of the market and competitors.
    • Checking the reliability of business partners.
    • Gathering information for business negotiations.
  9. Investigation (fraud, theft, search for evidence, examinations).

    • Financial investigations.
    • Insurance investigations.
    • Investigations in civil and criminal cases.
  10. Introducing your employee into the environment under study, working undercover.


Detective Bureau «Profi» is not limited to the above services.